Using Song Lyrics for empowering decisions and beliefs

Whether you sing at the top of your lungs and dance with full expression or merely listen along, songs have the ability to impact our immediate mood as well as our outlook and our beliefs in life.

If you have had some experience with NLP, Hypnosis, Neuro-Associative Conditioning (NAC – Tony Robbins), other modalities or simply think about it logically, positive, empowering and creative words and phrases in music have the ability to empower us (while negative, disempowering and destructive words and phrases have the ability to disempower us) on a deep, on-going level.

They can form the basis of many of our decisions and beliefs about ourselves, about life, men and women, money, etc.

In the same way we feed our body nourishing food to get the best out of it, we need to nourish our minds to get the best out of it.

As such I strongly suggest being clear on the songs, words and phrases you repeatedly listen to, weed out those that don’t empower you and re-interpret those that may be mostly positive but with some limitations. (ie decide for yourself on some of the meaning)

With that in mind, there are a number of songs I will recommend you singing out loud to and physically expressing (whether in dance or posture), starting with the chorus of Robbie Williams’ “I love my life”.

When you “try it on” (with any empowering song), let any emotion be there that needs to be there. For myself, I feel empowered in general and at times in the past I cried – I felt that in some areas I was living up to the words and in others not (but always progressing on the journey).

In some cases the tears that come may be tears of ‘overwhelm’ (of the sheer power of the feelings or emotions) – possibly even our fear at being all these things [that we are singing].  As Marianne Williamson said “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us”

However, back to NLP, NAC, Hypnosis, and other modalities, repeating the song(s) with FULL expression in mind, voice and action is part of state management. And if we are managing our state to be “I love my life”, we are better set to welcome abundance into it. Love is our natural state, clear of all conditioning – I can think of no better state to be in than love.

As with many decisions and beliefs we always have to stay mindful of when they empower and serve us and at which point they no-longer empower and serve us – and then transform them to- or replace them with- new decisions and beliefs. (ie even if you choose to embrace them now, reflect on them again later on your journey)
